Solidity – Basic Syntax

The basic syntax of Solidity is similar to that of JavaScript, C++ and other programming languages. Let’s start with a simple source file of Solidity. Following is an example of a Solidity file −

pragma solidity >=0.4.0 <0.6.0;

contract SimpleStorage {
   uint Data;
   function set(uint x) public {
      Data = x;
   function get() public view returns (uint) {
      return Data;


In the context of Solidity, a “pragma” is a compiler directive. It is a special instruction that is used to specify the version of the Solidity compiler that should be used to compile the code.

The pragma statement is usually the first line of code in a Solidity contract and it is used to ensure that the contract is compatible with a specific version of the compiler.

The general syntax for a pragma statement is: pragma solidity <version>;

For example, a contract that specifies that it should be compiled with version 0.8.0 of the Solidity compiler would have the following pragma statement: pragma solidity 0.8.0;

It’s important to note that using the right version of the compiler is important as it ensures that the contract will run correctly and without errors. Also, new version of Solidity can have breaking changes, so if you want to use some new feature or syntax you must use the corresponding version of the compiler.

In summary, the pragma statement is a way to specify the version of the Solidity compiler that should be used to compile a smart contract, making sure the code will work correctly with the desired version of the compiler.


In Solidity, a contract is a collection of code and data that lives on the Ethereum blockchain. Contracts can be written, tested, and deployed using various development tools, such as Remix, Truffle, and Geth.

A contract in Solidity is defined using the keyword “contract” followed by the name of the contract. The contract can include a variety of elements, such as state variables, functions, and events.

Here is an example of a simple contract in Solidity:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract SimpleContract {
    // State variables
    address public owner;
    uint public age;

    // Events
    event AgeChanged(uint newAge);

    // Functions
    constructor() public {
        owner = msg.sender;

    function setAge(uint _age) public {
        age = _age;
        emit AgeChanged(_age);

    function getAge() public view returns (uint) {
        return age;

This contract defines a state variable “age” of type “uint” and an address variable “owner”. It also includes a constructor function that is executed when the contract is deployed, an event “AgeChanged” that is emitted when the age is set, and two other functions, “setAge” and “getAge” which allows to change or retrieve the value of the “age” variable.

Once the contract is written, it can be compiled and deployed to the Ethereum network using a development tool such as Truffle. Once deployed, the contract will have its own address on the blockchain and can be interacted with by other contracts or users on the network.

It is important to note that once a contract is deployed on the blockchain, its code and data cannot be altered. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly test and debug the contract before deploying it to the blockchain.

Reserved Keywords

In Solidity, there are a set of keywords that have special meaning and cannot be used as variable or function names. These keywords are reserved and have specific uses in the language. Here is a list of some of the most commonly used reserved keywords in Solidity:

  • contract: This keyword is used to define a contract, which is a collection of code and data that lives on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • function: This keyword is used to define a function within a contract. Functions can take input parameters and return output values.
  • event: This keyword is used to define an event, which is a mechanism for emitting log data that can be recorded on the blockchain.
  • address: This keyword is used to define a variable of type “address”, which is a 20-byte value that represents an Ethereum address.
  • mapping: This keyword is used to define a mapping, which is a built-in data type in Solidity that stores key-value pairs.
  • modifier: This keyword is used to define a modifier, which is a way to add additional functionality to functions or contracts.
  • pragma: This keyword is used to specify the version of the Solidity compiler that should be used to compile the code.
  • var and let: These keywords are used to declare variables.
  • constructor: This keyword is used to define a special function that is executed when the contract is deployed.
  • if and else: These keywords are used to control the flow of execution in a contract.
  • require: This keyword is used to check for a specific condition and will cause the contract to fail if the condition is not met.
  • emit: This keyword is used to emit events.

These are just some of the reserved keywords in Solidity. There are many more keywords that are used for specific purposes, such as enum, struct, returns, payable, view, memory, storage, public, private, internal, external, pure, constant, abstract, library, using and many more. It is important to be familiar with these keywords and understand their specific uses in order to write effective and secure smart contracts in Solidity.

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