Introduction To Internet Of Things | Week 8

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 8

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Q1. Traditional Wireless Mobile Networks are cost expensive in terms of _?
a. Only CAPEX
b. Only OPEX
c. Both CAPEX and OPEX
d. Neither CAPEX and OPEX

Q2. High mobility of users is one of the key challenges in rule placement for software defined wireless mobile networks.
a. True
b. False

Q3. Which among the following is a solution for mobility-aware flow rule placement in SDIoT?
a. Mobility-Flow
b. Mobile-Flow
c. Mobi-Flow
d. M-Flow

Q4. Cloud, Utility, Grid and __________ have been the major trends in computing
a. Clone
b. Cluster
c. Closure
d. Cloud

Q5. Cloud computing models allow different users to share the same physical resources?
a. True
b. False

Q6. As per NIST Visual Model of Cloud Computing, ‘Hybrid Cloud’ model and PaaS model both fall in the same category.
a. True
b. False

Q7. When you are accessing Google docs or Microsoft Word online for accessing the features of a document writing software from your browser without specifically installing them, which among the following cloud service models is the most appropriate one that you are using.
a. SaaS
b. PaaS
c. IaaS
d. DaaS

Q8. An organization A wants to deploy a cloud infrastructure, whereby it wants to push majority of the data to a cloud whose servers can be situated anywhere within the globe, but it wants certain private data to be pushed only to cloud servers that are present on-premise and are accessible by only authenticated members of the organization. In this context which among the following deployment model should be used?
a. Private Cloud
b. Public Cloud
c. Hybrid Cloud
d. Any of these

Q9. Cloud services and resources should be rapidly __ in order to achieve their required performance
a. entrusted
b. elastic
c. enterprise
d. None of the given

Q10. Suppose that a start-up wants to enter into online book delivery business. It wants to create the user interface and the application by itself, but it does not have any networking or storage facility, so it wants to adopt the cloud computing practice. In this respect, which among the following cloud service models is most suitable for the start-up.
a. Only SaaS
b. Neither PaaS nor IaaS
c. Both PaaS and IaaS can be adopted
d. Neither SaaS, PaaS or IaaS

Q11. Data security and client authentication is an issue in which of the following cloud service models??
a. SaaS
b. SaaS and PaaS
c. IaaS
d. All of them

Q12. Network, _______ and application level securities are the three aspects of cloud infrastructure securities.
a. Client
b. Web
c. Host
d. Wireless

Q13. When a new user logs into a cloud framework, the first thing that needs to be done is __________________.
a. User should be authenticated
b. User should immediately be granted all the resources
c. User should log off
d. User should be penalized

Q14. Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are mutually agreed by the client (customer) and cloud service provider (CSP) at the beginning. With respect to SLAs, what are the views that SLAs provide?
a. Customer Point of View
b. CSP Point of View
c. Both Customer and CSP Point of View
d. Neither Customer nor CSP Point of View

Q15. CloudAnalyst simulation tool provides GUI and is written on top of CloudSim modules.
a. Yes
b. No

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