Cloud Computing | Week 12

Cloud Computing week 12 Assignment 12 Answers

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Q1. In which computing environment is latency fixed due to the location of application modules at the Area Gateway?
A) Fog computing
B) Cloud computing
C) Serverless Computing
D) None of the above

Q2. What does spatial cloud support in terms of resource pooling?
A) Individual resource allocation for participating organizations
B) Exclusive resource ownership for each organization
C) Shared resource pooling for participating organizations
D) Restricted access to network, servers, apps, services, storages, and databases

Q3. Dew computing is an on premises computer software-hardware organization paradigm where on premises computers provide functionality that is of _______ cloud services and is also ______ with cloud services.
A) independent, serverless
B) dependant, collaborative
C) independent, collaborative
D) serverless, collaborative

Q4. Fog-Edge computing leads to increased network congestion
A) True
B) False

Q5. A Cyber Physical Cloud Computing (CPCC) architectural framework is a _____ environment that can rapidly build, modify and provision cyber physical systems composed of a set of ______ based sensor, processing, control, and data services.
A) system, cloud computing
B) cloud computing, system
C) system, edge computing
D) edge, system computing

Q6. What is (are) the key feature(s) of Mobile Cloud computing for 5G networks?
A) Increased resource consumption by mobile applications
B) Improved reliability due to data storage in the cloud
C) Sharing resources for mobile applications

D) None of these

Q7. The key aspect of the intelligent transportation system is efficient ______.
A) cost
B) mobility
C) speed
D) delivery

Q8. In conjunction with 5G and cloud computing, what should service providers focus on in the evolving computing paradigm?
A) Limiting end-to-end orchestration
B) Providing manual service layer agreements
C) Offering limited self-service options
D) Providing full end-to-end orchestration with defined service layer agreements

Q9. Mobility Analytics utilizes the cloud platform for computation and storage.
A) True
B) False

Q10. What is (are) the benefit(s) of 5G technology for enhanced mobile broadband?
A) Slower data rates
B) Higher latency
C) Lower cost-per-bit
D) Limited device compatibility

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